How to Protect you Privacy at Open Inspections

Selling your home can be an incredibly busy time, especially when it comes time to open your home for inspection. The process of letting numerous strangers through your home is often unnerving. Here are some tips to help protect your privacy and safety when you open your doors to the public.

How to Protect you Privacy at Open Inspections

Ensuring your privacy during open for inspections is important

Don’t be Reckless with That Necklace

Selling your home can be an incredibly busy time, especially when it comes time to open your home for inspection. The process of letting numerous strangers through your home is often unnerving, but you can follow these tips to ensure your privacy during the process.

While we usually expect the best from people, opening up your property to the public can mean you run the risk of more unsavoury people entering your home. For this reason you should lock away any valuables that sit loose in your home, as the vendor is generally liable for any losses incurred during an inspection. The same goes for personal items like photographs and treasured family furniture – this also lets potential buyers imprint their own vision on the house, making them more likely to buy.

Keep a Directory

Organise with your real estate agent to take down the details of people who view your home. This doesn’t just give you a strong database of your potential buyers, but also adds an extra layer of security should anything bad happen to your home. We buy houses ASAP

Ensure and Insure

By keeping that insurance policy airtight, you’ll protect yourself against damages and losses incurred at an open inspection. There can be energetic children, and people will be unfamiliar with their surrounds – accidents can always happen, so be prepared. Check with your insurer that your policy covers open inspections.

State the Date

In the time leading up to the inspection, make sure any signage and advertising very clearly states the time and date of the inspection, and that this is the only time for people to look at your home. While healthily interested buyers are an excellent indicator of a sale, you don’t want people dropping by at just any time or snooping around the yard when you’re out.

By keeping your safety and privacy under wraps, you’ll have peace of mind when you open your doors to the public and feel great about getting on with selling your home.

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